Anyone who knows me knows I don't like to spend money, and true to fashion, I don't want to spend much on this bedroom project, so I'm on the hunt for fabric to make a duvet cover for our bed since bedding is SOOOO expensive. Of course, I never make things easy on myself, because even though I'm thrifty, I'm not cheap. I'd rather buy a higher quality item once than a piece of junk that I'll have to replace again in a few years. I'm also concerned about health (hubby has really bad allergies), and I'd love to support a company that still produces their fabric right here in the good ol' US of A. So I've already set myself up for failure. Oh, and did I mention I have VERY specific ideas about the fabric design I'm looking for? So let's recap: I want an organic fabric, made in the USA, with an amazing design, for under $8/yard. Stay tuned to find out how well that works out.
Before I sign off, here's a few photos of our bedroom in its current state. I wish I had taken a photo BEFORE I had cleaned it up (Yes, this is the cleaned-up stage. I'm married to a technology geek. There's only so much a girl can do to de-clutter when everything has a cable attached to it!). The excessive clutter almost sent me to the looney bin (in all fairness, I'm equally responsible for the clutter that existed in this space.). Even in it's relatively de-cluttered state, I think the photos still give you a good idea about how desperately this room needs a makeover. Stay tuned.

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