Today we decided to drive to the coast for one last excursion in the Vette. During our travels, we saw a sign referencing the location of a local lighthouse. Zach suggested it would be fun to check it out. Sounded good to me, so off we went. We followed the winding road through small towns and water-front homes and boat docks (even one that looked like the Taj Mahal) until we came to yet another sign spurring us on toward the elusive lighthouse. We drove and drove and drove, and then we drove some more. Just when I was about to kill Zach for suggesting this detour, we saw another sign assuring us the lighthouse was just around the bend. It wasn't. But we soldiered on, driving through historic farms high up in the hills by the ocean. It was all very picturesque - and chilly since we had taken off the roof of the Corvette. Finally, we made it to
Point Reyes National Seashore parking area. But where was the lighthouse? I'll tell you where it was. It was another half a mile up the hill and around the bend, but now I was determined! We grabbed our cameras and headed down the paved trail filled with more foreigners than Americans. Resolute in our goal to see this lighthouse, we walked past wind blown trees sharply angled against the mountain in a fruitless attempt to shield themselves from the relentless gusts. We walked past public restrooms and the apartment building that was home to the park rangers in charge of the national seashore. No lighthouse. We walked past the visitor center. Where was the lighthouse? We continued around the corner (and some extremely large bones of a whale's jaw on display). Still no lighthouse. Just then we spied a set of stairs descending 300 feet down to a small out cropping of flattened rock, and at the bottom was, you guessed it, the
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