Today was our last full day in California. We fly out tomorrow morning at 11:50 am. As odd as it seems, I'm ready to go home. Don't get me wrong, I definitely enjoyed my time here, but I feel like we've been blessed and now it's time to leave before we get greedy. Zach and I have a special place in our hearts for California. We'll miss the perfect weather with it's not-too-humid-not-too-dry sunny days. We'll miss the palm trees and the plethora of vineyards. We'll miss the freedom and excitement of the winding road and the beauty of the scenery around it. Never-the-less, we're ready to go home. Ready to sleep in our own comfy bed. Ready to see our friends and family on the east coast and tell them all about our experiences. Ready to get back to regular life so we can plan our next trip to The Golden State. Goodbye California, hopefully we'll see you again soon.

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