Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day 1

And so begins my Lenten journey devoid of TV....

For the next forty days I have decided to abstain from watching TV in the hopes that I will become more productive and actually do the things that I've been talking about doing for the past eight to ten years (in some cases), but haven't actually started. To assist me on my journey, I've decided to compile a list of all the projects I'd like to complete during this time in the hopes that it will serve as a sort of accountability keeper. Here goes...

1. Make fleece jacket (#507 for anyone who's interested) for Zach with fabric I bought a LONG time ago (possibly before we were married).
2. Make fleece vest (also #507) for me (more fabric from same time)
3. Make long-sleeved shirt with fabric I bought over three years ago. (I know, I know...enough with the fabric)
4. Make pot holders
5. Make one linocut
6. Frame three pictures
7. Make 11 mugs (2 sets of 4, plus 3 others)

I think that's more than enough. Probably overly optimistic, but at least I have something to shoot for. And since no one usually reads this blog anyway, I can probably get away with only finishing one or two goals. Kidding!

Now where did I put that fabric?


Jean said...

That's awesome Jill. This year I decided to give up giving up something for lent for lent. Seriously, we don't really drink that much these days, and I can't think of any food or beverage that I consume in excess amounts... except coffee, but I have decided that is just out of the question (I know, I know...I have a problem) So I decided to do yoga once a day. It's not a big deal, but it is the best I could come up with. So far, so good!

Jill Jennings said...

That's awesome Jeannie!

Janis said...

I want to see pictures of all your creative projects on Easter morning, Jill! I know this is terrible, but I can't imagine giving up TV... Lost, Desperate Housewives, The Office, CSI, Dancing with the Stars, Amazing Race, The Mentalist, Flight of the Conchords - oh, I am a sad little addict, aren't I? I guess giving it up during the summer when there's only reruns and stupid reality shows wouldn't count, would it? Haha! I did, however, give up computer/video games. Sadly, my addiction to Smoothie Moves on Webkinz was consuming far too much of my time. Perhaps Lent will break me of my bad habits? Haha!!!

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