Monday, March 14, 2011

Product Spotlight: russell+hazel

I'm introducing another department here at FGD called Product Spotlight. Occasionally I like to chat about products I'm diggin' and think might be relevant to you as well. Rest assured, I'm not getting any kick backs (I don't think anyone even knows I exist.). These are just things I really like and think others might be interested in them too.

As some of you know, I am a huge fan of russell+hazel paper products. So you can imagine how excited I was when I found a collection of their products at a local thrift shop for, get this...four dollars! That's right, four dollars! I almost let out a squeal of delight, but I'm not really a make-loud-noises-to-inform-everyone-how-excited-I-am kinda gal. So I just smiled to myself and quickly snatched it up. Based on the original prices listed on the back of each product the entire thing was worth thirty nine big ones. Did I mention I only paid four dollars? More smiling.

Then, as if this weren't enough, I found these little guys on clearance at Target!

KIT is a sub-division of the russell+hazel brand. It offers a selection of office products including mini binders, folders, notebooks and alphabetic tabs to help keep you fashionably organized at a lower price point.

What am I going to do with all these paper supplies? I think I might save the KIT supplies as little gifts. They would be perfect as a paper-loving hostess gift or to add to a care package. As for the thrift store loot, I've been pondering a project idea that I'm going to start working on this spring, and it is the perfect thing to help me with said project. I'll give you the details as soon as I have something to show. Until then, I'll leave you with all these product shots I took of my fabulous find.

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